TRAISI Move: smartphone travel survey


What is TRAISI Move?

Travel and Activity Internet Survey Interface (TRAISI) Move is a smartphone-based travel survey tool designed to automatically record individuals' travel diaries. It captures detailed information such as trip origins and destinations, trip purposes, and travel mode choices through smartphone devices. 

Why collect travel diary?

Travel surveys provide a valuable tool for understanding mobility patterns. Smartphone-based surveys represent the state-of-the-art in data collection, capturing travel diary information with minimal instrumental error.

More importantly, these surveys enable researchers to analyze travel behaviour with exceptional detail and accuracy. They support informed infrastructure planning, offer real-time insights into mobility trends, and contribute to the development of more sustainable and efficient urban environments.


Is my data safe?

Yes! We have taken every possible measure to protect your privacy and ensure data security. All data will be anonymized, and all personally identifiable information will be removed from the final dataset. Location information will also be anonymized by storing the traffic analysis zone (TAZ) in which the household is located rather than the postal code/address for any analysis and reporting. TAZs are large spatial units analogous to census tracts and are used in transportation planning applications.